Thank you so much for the customer appreciation goody bag Today! It means a lot to know my loyalty to your store has not gone unnoticed.
- Michele
Happiness is: Stopping at Pet Central today and putting my big bag of dog food on the counter, and then being asked if I wanted my FREE BAG today or on my next trip.....lol.....this place ROCKS!!! If you are in striking range of Honesdale, PA, have animals, and DON'T shop here.....well......YOU SHOULD!!! We are talking about a Free Bag of a $60 product....AMAZING
- Allyn
Thank you to the staff at Pet Central for going above and beyond the call of duty to help me get my cat's special dietary food today!! You guys rock!
- Larisa
Thank you Pet Central! We had a great morning at customer appreciation day. My boys are now thoroughly enjoying yummy
treats and new toys. You guys truly are the best store ever!

Just wanted to say thank you for all your help and guidance!!! Maya are all her food in her dish for the first time in over a month!!!!! Thank you!!!! -
- Kimberly
I love this store, the staff is wonderful, knowledgeable and professional. They really care about people and their pets. Thank you for all you do!
- Bev
I think pet central is one of the best pet stores around and the people that work there are awesome!!!
- Linda
Great place for the animals in your life ... nice selection and friendly service!
- Debi
We really like Pet Central. The staff is so friendly and the big orange tabby is as "catty" as can be!
- Jane